I just wanna clarify stuffs between AOC and MBMYC, because there are people who don't seem to understand.
CDO-ASSET’s AIM ONE CAGAYAN is not similar to MBMYC.
MBMYC is more on getting informed and empowered, and yes they provide training as well. I was a delegate of MBMYC for 2 straight years. It was fun, and I could say it was worth it.
AOC don't have the same approach as MBMYC. For AOC, it is not just training, informing and socializing – it’s more than that because we build on people’s lives.
It is a venue where participants are chiseled to become better individuals; it is a time when participants are immersed with their selves.
I am not saying that AOC is better than MBMYC. I am saying that AOC deserves respect as well.
You ask about experience? Ask our delegates. And make sure the other doesn’t outnumber the other - equal number of delegates. You can even ask our speakers about their experience and how happy they were being part of this noble endeavor.
AOC was not organized to compete with MBMYC. In fact it could have been partners, AOC for city-wide then MBMYC for Mindanao-wide. Why do you see us as a competition? Are you threatened? Why are you threatened? MBMYC existed for almost a decade while AOC started just a few years ago. MBMYC is stable, while AOC isn't - because we are still learning, trying to stand, trying to prove something, trying to make SBM proud of us.
For those of you, who tried MBMYC and AOC, say something. For those of you who tried AOC, say something, because some people look down at us.
PS. If you wanna comment, please feel free. Thanks!
--- until my next post. follow me https://twitter.com/#!/jarugaslag
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