

Laws of Power

I saw an article from Wikipedia and got this awesome laws. Try reading all of it and you might wanna try living some of the laws. ehehehe

·  Never outshine the master.
·  Never put too much trust in friends; learn how to use enemies.
·  Conceal your intentions.
·  Always say less than necessary.
·  So much depends on reputation. Guard it with your life.
·  Court attention at all costs.
·  Get others to do the work for you, but always take the credit.
·  Make other people come to you; use bait if necessary.
·  Win through your actions, never through argument.
·  Infection: avoid the unhappy and unlucky.
·  Learn to keep people dependent on you.
·  Use selective honesty and generosity to disarm your victim.
· When asking for help, appeal to people's self-interests, never to their mercy or gratitude.
·  Pose as a friend, work as a spy.
·  Crush your enemy totally.
·  Use absence to increase respect and honor.
·  Keep others in suspended terror: cultivate an air of unpredictability.
·  Do not build fortresses to protect yourself. Isolation is dangerous.
·  Know who you're dealing with; do not offend the wrong person.
·  Do not commit to anyone.
·  Play a sucker to catch a sucker: play dumber than your mark.
·  Use the surrender tactic: transform weakness into power.
·  Concentrate your forces.
·  Play the perfect courtier.
·  Re-create yourself.
·  Keep your hands clean.
·  Play on people's need to believe to create a cultlike following.
·  Enter action with boldness.
·  Plan all the way to the end.
·  Make your accomplishments seem effortless.
·  Control the options: get others to play with the cards you deal.
·  Play to people's fantasies.
·  Discover each man's thumbscrew.
·  Be royal in your fashion: act like a king to be treated like one.
·  Master the art of timing.
·  Disdain things you cannot have: Ignoring them is the best revenge.
·  Create compelling spectacles
·  Think as you like but behave like others.
·  Stir up waters to catch fish.
·  Despise the free lunch.
·  Avoid stepping into a great man's shoes.
·  Strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter.
·  Work on the hearts and minds of others.
·  Disarm and infuriate with the mirror effect.
·  Preach the need for change, but never reform too much at once.
·  Never appear perfect.
·  Do not go past the mark you aimed for; in victory, learn when to stop.
·  Assume formlessness.


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What Women Are

I saw a video on Youtube describing women. 

I find it true. haha! watchathink???

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Religion vs Jesus

I saw this on Youtube and found it sensible.  

Do you agree??? 

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Some Unwritten Rules to Live By

While I was surfing the net for good articles to read, I came across an article from Men's Health entitled...

40 Unwritten Rules to Live By
By: Mark Bricklin

Very interesting that I wanted to share it. ehehe. Here it goes...

1. Never ask a woman if she wants to have sex by asking her if she wants to have sex.

2. It is more important to have good health insurance than good health.

3. Don't bluff more than once in a poker game with friends.

4. When one of the big bosses at work unexpectedly says something really cheery and friendly to you, he means absolutely nothing by it. Not even if he's your father.

5. Wear as much black as you can. It makes you look slimmer and cooler. But avoid black jeans.

6. When someone in your family is going through a divorce, always side with the blood relative.

7. Pointedly praising something unusual a person owns or has done will make you appear far smarter in his eyes than a 10-minute discourse on world events.

8. Yes, speak softly and carry a big stick. But don't mumble. And don't swing the stick.

9. The man who can't dance, can't converse, and can't provide psychological support to a woman is only half a man; the other half can't cook, can't clean, and badly wants a drink.

10. Do not get a visible tattoo larger than your penis.

11. Be aware that most people are operating on a very condensed version of the 10 Commandments: the part about murder.

12. There will be times when good neighbors are more important than a good neighborhood.

13. Telling a woman, "You're a great person," is taken as the lead-in to a confession that you don't love her.

14. Trying to "teach someone a lesson"never works.

15. Easy on the mayo!

16. Be careful about publicly discussing your hobbies, as most hobbies strike people as somewhat pathetic: most notably, collecting stamps, coins, or anything else, bird-watching, bowling, rockhounding, spelunking, table tennis, poetry, dog shows, chat rooms, polka music, yoga, herpetology, marathon running, and religion. The only hobbies you can safely own up to when among people you need to impress are fly-fishing and golf.

17. Never buy anyone a gift at a kiosk.

18. Never wear clothing that your coworkers avoid—the bow tie, the suspenders, the green suit. While you might think you're expressing your individuality, your colleagues will perceive it as a rejection of their group culture; you'll become a person who probably can't be trusted.

19. Do not bring lunch to work.

20. Rainbows are God's way of reminding us that beauty is an optical illusion

21. You will never become a rock star.

22. As you go through life, you will discover that more and more of the subjects you studied in college are useless, with the exception of abnormal psychology.

23. Never make any sort of generalization concerning gender, even if it's so true God himself would back you up.

24. Telling a person in management, "I'm a bit of a philosopher," means you're a total loser.

25. When running in the park on a hot day, do not take off your shirt if you are a really hairy sonofabitch.

26. Never hesitate to admit the error of your ways, when under oath in federal court.

27. Always wear freshly laundered or pressed clothing to work. Even one wrinkle will have certain coworkers creating—and perhaps sharing—scenarios of debauchery or financial distress.

28. Do not say hi to a perfect stranger in any town with a population over 2,000. The friendly gesture in Beaver Dam Falls is a scary act of aggression in Boston.

29. Always imply, in every possible way, that the person you're talking to is smarter, better-looking, slimmer, and more successful than they really are.

30. When choosing a bottle of wine to bring to a dinner party, spend between 10 and 15 dollars. That's for a bottle, not a gallon.

31. Do not come on to the new female pastor, unless she winks at you during the sermon.

32. An ounce of appearance is worth a pound of substance.

33. The way a woman looks, acts, and talks says nothing about how good she is in bed.

34. It is okay to admit in conversation that your accountant used his imagination to save you $500 in taxes, but never admit you saved 5 bucks by refilling the vodka bottle in the minibar with water.

35. Never get into a pissing match via e-mail. If he forwards, you lose.

36. Never suggest to another person at the gym that he's not working hard enough to accomplish anything.

37. People who live in glass houses are idiots.

38. Going insane while watching a great football game is a sign of mental health.

39. When a man meets another man, bonding begins when they both say things they hope no one else hears.

40. The person who sincerely says to you, "I want to get to know you better," is a person you don't want to know at all.


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My 2011 Ends

Just trying to recall some significant memories. Maybe I could look back on this post many years from now. 

1st Qtr (Jan-Mar)

Jan: My year didn’t start well because of some financial problems. It ended with a bang because of AOC. Feb: No Valentine. March: Didn’t graduate. Read more...

But though I wasn’t able to march last March, I was hired at Spruce DNI. I got ahead from my batch mates. Read more...

during our business review at the boardroom
(clark, me, duchess, madelyn)

The Seniors Night. I attended though I wasn’t graduating. I came just wearing t-shirt, pants, sneakers – while others came with their glamorous attire. See more...

2nd Qtr (Apr-June)

Not much of excitement. Mostly work and travel. See more...

3rd Qtr (July-Sept)

Aug: The first time my dad offered me some beer. Hahaha!  

eph, cham, jammer, zee, me, paula, wawex

MYOH Experience. This was my second time. Got another free MYOH Pair.

My Birthday. Lots of surprises. Lots of cakes. The day was fun!

karl, raven, me, jamela, tope

End of my job. My contract must end by the 24th, but my last office was the day before my birthday.

Sept:  Just doing nothing. Hahaha!

4th Qtr (Oct-Dec)

This was the time when I was just downloading movies and music. Sometimes I help in the farm chores. But basically, just sleep, eat, watch movie, (sometimes) jog, workout, then surf the net. Just fatting my ass out.

Oct: My cousin Angeline married an Australian – Adrian. I was part of the entourage and my partner was a beautiful Australian name Jess!

me and jess

Dec: Sendong hits Cagayan de Oro December 17, 2011 – midnight.
Proctored the Nursing Board Exam.

paula b, me, brogy, ganz, cals, pao ang

Did outreach for the flood victims. See more...


This year was amazing. Made lots of new friends and lots of cool experiences. There were gifts which same in unexpectedly - during my birthday, Chiqui, and my new Samsung Galaxy Y

With this, I'll be looking forward to a better me. Hope to have a very fruitful year ahead. 

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